I am not very original. Not when I'm pissed and just want to quench my cupcake fix. I just used the magic of Google and entered whatever site came first for Red Velvet Cupcakes and Cream Cheese Frosting. I also dragged my pet turtle Mertle into my cupcake business. No, I didn't bake her into a cupcake. She just kept me company nearby.
I have already mixed the the dry ingredients at this point. Not much of a mess made, but here is a picture showing the cupcake tray I used. Yes, that is a very old style sifter at the bottom left that I attempted to use but instead resulted in a strainer. Because strainers are awesome.
Here is the lovely pair of dry ingredients and the nice fatty pile of cream ingredients on the right. I don't have remotely professional looking baking supplies.
EGGS! After five of them. That's a lot of eggs.
TURTLE BREAK!! She's trying to climb out. But she can't. Aww. And for those wondering if I'm a retarded turtle owner, that's her feeding bucket, not her actual tank. I fed her (you can also see bits of lettuce she refused to eat because she is a fatty).
Okay! Ready to put the batter in! The little cupcake wraps are so cute. <3
And finally, the batter was much more than I thought it would be. Simple math does not always come easy.
In the end I made 102 cupcakes. 96 small ones and 6 normal sized ones. Several got eaten in the middle of the process when I was "testing" them.
Anyhow! Here's the glory run off cupcakes I made! I am not a baker. I do not usually have successful baking projects even though I adore sweets to death. Most the time something goes completely wrong because I forget an ingredient, order of ingredients, or the correct measurements. Despite my history of screw ups I persevere. And I don't think these cupcakes turned out half bad.
Just a warning. The recipe was made for normal sized cupcakes but I was using a smaller size cupcake pan, because I just prefer tiny cupcakes. Therefore, the timing in the oven has to be cut in half. My first batch was 20 minutes. I tried them and realized they were to dry, because they were a smaller size. The second batch was 15 minutes. Softer, but not enough. I settled on 11 minutes for my third and fourth batch. They came out wonderfully.
I also happened to have burned my fingers when taking out the pan of regular sized cupcakes from the oven. I didn't want to drop them on the floor so I held on to it longer than I should have giving it enough time to be settled on the floor at a small distance than if I was standing. So, I got lovely burns on three of my fingers. DO NOT RUN IT UNDER COLD WATER. That burns. Like an ax to your face. But not really. I put ice on to numb it enough so I could put frosting on the cupcakes (YES my priorities were the cupcakes not my fingers). After which I proceeded to put on everything cool in the house on my fingers. Aloe Vera gel. Aloe Vera lotion. More ice. Aloe Vera leaves ( a lot harder to apply than it seems). I am pretty good at tolerating pain though. So by the next day it was barely anything to worry about. It just looked and felt funny.
Anyway I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day.
Love, live long, and prosper!! <3 <3
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